Friday, March 03, 2006

licence .

Yesterday was bad. I failed a learning license test. My score 9/15. Fell short by just one fuckin mark. It takes more than just commonsense to pass a LL test.

Take a bite.

How many licences can one have at any point of time?
1)Maximum 3, one for each class of vehicles.
2)Any number of licences, one for each class of vehicles.
3) one more shitty option

Quite obviously I had not heard this from anyone. It's very simple. Nobody had told me about this. Lack of knowledge brings hope of logic. Third option with a shitty descprition obviously was out of contention. One down, two more to go. If I was the rider how many would I like to carry? If my riding past of last six years was anything to go by, the answer would be NONE. This was more of a personal opinion than logic. Back to logical thinking. We are men. We are suppose to think logically. How many? How many? After a lot of thinking it's obvious that logic just didn't work here. Or did it? I mark one and move on to the next question.

Next one.
Next one.
One more.

In the name of commonsense and logic, I marked here and there and returned the 'RTO puzzle gallery'

Things went from bad to worse when the officer, an uncanny picker, pulled a sheet from a bundle of corrected papers and shouted something like 'Sudeep Kumar. You have failed! Come tomorrow'
Hell. I just could not show my face to my fellow LL aspirants, a few among who were pretty-faced young things. It was not the best idea to hang in there and wonder what went wrong. So I vanished from the RTO zone in record time. A plea to the RTO for keeping results confidential is in the pipeline.

Seeking solace in my near and dear one turned out to be a bad idea. I told her . Effort was on, to cushion the insult though. She laughed, like I inhaled oxygen and farted nitrous oxide. Bad day.


Pensive said...

I liked the farted nitrogen usual... enjoy maadi...
Byv$%si...How cud u fail a driving test ??

Sanjaya Srivatsan said...

Lack of knowledge brings hope of logic ... V nice and catchy... but wud ask again the million $$$ Qn.... ? How on earth ....?

Anonymous said...

hi :D .. didn't know this happened ! htf did u ....

didn't know u had such a funny bone either !! i'm bookmarking this !

Sudeep said...

Thanks anoname...
I had almost forgotten I ever wrote. An e-mail notification about your comment brought things back. I am hoping to write again soon.

Nithin Raghuveer said...

addendum - "and in logic lies the downfall of man"

Chill with the driving test failure - I failed twice -
First the guy showed me a boat sign and asked me what was it and what a driver should do (stop the vehicle and take the boat? Jeez - help.)
Second, he said why are those white strips dividing the 2 sides of the road (50-50?)

Its easy for guys to say "htf cud u fail b¥@v@rsh1" - Sure. Its not easy when it happens to you coz u wudve asked urself questions with better expletives.

I only have one question for you - htf could you fail a written test :) and still hang around for everyone to see the genius?
BTW I didnt go to the RTO for 2 years after the twin debacles.

I hope you know who is taking these liberties. I am sure I have been broadcast on NBC.