Monday, October 15, 2007


With a b-school entrance exam less than a month away my competitors surely have upped the ante. My rapidly sinking All-India rankings in mock tests are a disturbing evidence of this. I should be working harder than ever, may be. Sadly, these are the times my urge to do what I am not supposed to do is strongest.

Like blogging. It's been over half a dozen months or so since I last bored my readers. Now ,I do it again.

Like playing table tennis. Like workouts. These are long-forgtten regimes I have resumed. Like long lunches.Long walks. Like more movies. Like longer intrsopection in the loo. Last evening I even found time to play with a stray dog. The day before, I took my girlfriend and her mom(!!?) out on shopping. All things but bseep ( b-school entrance exam preparation) are getting a lot more time than they ever did. Am I running away from the challenge? Am I set to doom? Time will tell.

I hope to prove myself wrong.